Short Bio
I am a Research Associate (post-doc) at the Software Verification and Validation Lab, University of Luxembourg, headed by prof. Domenico Bianculli, since January 2023.
I received my PhD from Lund University, department of Automatic Control, working with Martina Maggio.
During my PhD, I started collaborating with the Software Verification and Validation Lab at the University of Luxembourg working with Seung Yeob Shin, Domenico Bianculli and Lionel Briand.
This collaboration led to my current position.
Previously, I obtained my master and bachelor degrees in Automation and Control Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, respectively in 2017 and 2015.
Research Interest
I do research on Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems, focusing on their interdisciplinary nature.
I leverage my background in Control Engineering to enhance the Software Verification and Validation techniques that are applied to such systems.
During my PhD I also worked on the testing of Self-Adaptive Software and on the design of control algorithms robust to the non-idealities of their real-time execution.
- 24-February-2025 I will serve in the Technical Program Committee of EMSOFT.
- 6-April-2024 I have been selected to participate to the CPS Rising Stars workshop. Very grateful for this great opportunity and looking forward to visiting Charlottesville.
- 19-March-2024 My MSCA-PF project ConTestCPS (CONtrol-theoretical TESTing of Cyber-Physical Systems) has been selected for funding!
- 11-March-2024 I will be part of the program committee for the 2024 Software Engineering Doctoral Symposium SEDES co-located with QUATIC
- 7-March-2024 I will be part of the selection committee for the 2024 Frank Anger Memorial Award.
- 24-February-2024 I will be part of the PC for the poster-track of FSE 2024.
- 9-January-2024 I gave the invited seminar CPS Testing: Bridging the Gap between Software and Control Engineering to the Formal Methods for Software Design and Planningm Scheduling and Optimisation groups at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
- 21-November-2023 I visited the Gran Sasso Science Institute for a round table on Software Quality. I contributed with my talk CPS Testing: Bridging the Gap between Software and Control Engineering.
- 2-January-2023 I am officially starting my postdoc in Luxembourg. Very excited for this new adventure!
- 16-December-2022 I have successfully defended my PhD with the thesis titled Control-Theoretical Perspective on Feedback-Based Systems Testing. Check it out here.
- 27-November-2022 I have won the SIGBED-SIGSOFT Frank Anger Memorial Award, sponsored by ACM! The Frank Anger Memorial Award promotes cross-disciplinary research between embedded systems and software engineering.